TIGR Policies

Registration Account

In order to register for any TxSGS or TIGR course or event, you will be required to have a “TxSGS Account.” If you are a TxSGS member, you will already have this account and should sign into it before registering. If you do not have an account, you will be asked to create one during the registration process. You must be logged into your membership account in order to receive TxSGS member discounts.

Cancellations & Refunds

Cancellation requests received on or before April 30, 2019, will receive a refund less 20% of the total purchase price to cover administrative costs. Requests received between April 30 and June 1 will receive a refund less 50% of the total purchase price. No refunds will be issued after June 1, 2019. Cancellation requests must be made in writing via email to tigr@txsgs.org or registrar@txsgs.org.

Recording and Photography Policy

The Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) does not permit the recording of presentations at TIGR or other events under any circumstances or in any form or media, including but not limited to audio recordings, video recordings, or literal transcripts, except by specific written permission.

Photos may not be taken of any session for any reason without the prior consent of the speaker. While non-flash photos may be taken with speaker consent, please be respectful of the speaker’s copyrighted slides and of your fellow attendees. Flash photography is strictly prohibited.

Copyright Policy

All course-related materials, including the syllabus, handouts, and presentation slides, are protected by copyright. Presentations should not be recorded, nor slides photographed. Course materials are distributed for your personal use and are not to be shared or copied without written permission of the author. A photograph of the presenter with a title slide may be appropriate for social media posts but should only be taken with the express consent of the presenter.

Electronic Courtesy

It is important to avoid disruption caused by the use of electronic devices in public settings. Sound on laptops and other personal devices used for note-taking or other activity should be muted. Phones and pagers should be set to vibrate or off. Committee members and room monitors who use electronics for logistical facilitation and communication should re-direct sound to an earpiece if audible notification is required to ensure prompt service. Anyone who needs to place or receive a call should do so outside the room.

Publication Consent

Participation in any of the door prize drawings, social media posts, or other TIGR activity implies consent to publication of your name, city/state, and photograph in related promotional announcements. The privacy policy outlined below delineates your rights to control your information as it relates to other publications or events.

Social Media Policy

TxSGS permits and encourages the use of various forms of social media, including Facebook, Twitter, and live blogging at TIGR, conferences, and other events as a means of summarizing, highlighting, excerpting, reviewing, and/or publicizing sessions, events, syllabus materials, speakers, or the conference in general, provided that only content excerpts are used and that the presentation material is not reproduced in full while using social media tools and the speaker is referenced and cited appropriately in each case.

While speakers have been informed of the TxSGS and TIGR social media policy and are encouraged to permit the use of social media during their session, each speaker has the right to make an announcement at the start of the session barring the use of social media during the session.

Any announcement made barring the use of cell phones or mobile devices does not apply to the use of such devices to access social media tools (unless that has been stated by an individual speaker), but such announcement applies to a) turning off any audible ringer or notification alert on such devices and b) the use of such devices to make a call requiring a voice conversation which can be heard by other event or session attendees.

We ask that at all times you please respect the intellectual property rights and copyrights of TxSGS and its presenters and speakers at TIGR, conferences, and other events.

TIGR Photography Usage Policy

Representatives of TxSGS and TIGR may take photographs and/or videos of participants during TIGR week. These photographs and videos are for use by TxSGS in publications or other media material produced for the purposes of society promotion including, but not limited to brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc. Attendees’ registration grants TxSGS permission and consent for use of this photography and video.

TxSGS Privacy Policy

Read our privacy policy.

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The TxSGS DNA Project