TIGR Faculty: Kelvin Meyers

Join us in Austin, June 10-14, for the 2019 Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR). Two tracks offer attendees in-depth learning on Texas Research Essentials or Advanced Southern Research Strategies. Learn from noted Texas records expert Kelvin Meyers, who is also the Coordinator of the Texas Research Essentials track and the overall TIGR event. Register … Read more

TxSGS 2018 Family History Conference

Hosted by the Texas State Genealogical Society, the 2018 Family History Conference, Journey through Generations, brings you sessions with a wide variety of topics from many of the nation’s top family history experts. Workshops and sessions are aimed at strengthening your research skills no matter what your level or area of expertise might be. Learn … Read more

TxSGS 2018 Speaker Spotlight – Colleen Greene

Well-known lecturer and genealogist speakers highlight the program at our 2018 Family History Conference in San Antonio on November 2-4, 2018. Register online now! About the Speaker A librarian, web developer, and educator, Colleen Greene, MLIS, shares her expertise in Hispanic research in two presentations and organizing with Evernote in a technology topic. The Marketing … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project