Support TxSGS

The Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) is a 100% volunteer-run organization. Our ability to provide such a growing robust offering of programs, services, and events to the genealogical community greatly depends upon your support!

What are the ways in which you can support TxSGS?

Join TxSGS

Membership is open to any person or organization that is interested in researching and preserving genealogical and historical records.

Find out more about our membership types, benefits of membership, and how to join TxSGS today!

Affiliate Programs

You can support TxSGS through some of your regular shopping activities, but making your purchases through our affiliate programs.

  • AmazonSmile Program: TxSGS is a member of AmazonSmile, which allows us to receive a small donation with select purchases…at no cost to you! Find out more about how this program works, and what quick step you need to take in order to make TxSGS your designated AmazonSmile charitable organization.

Volunteer Your Time & Skills

“TxSGS, and our entire community, is only as successful as the energy and efforts of its volunteers.” – TxSGS President Randy Whited

Do you have a passion for genealogy? Can you spare anywhere from 2 to 10 hours per month? Or perhaps you are available to help on an as-needed basis with onetime activities? TxSGS needs you!

Please email TxSGS President Randy Whited ( for more information.

The TxSGS DNA Project