
Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, contains helpful case studies; articles on DNA technology, research, and methodology; family histories; reviews on books, technology and repositories; TxSGS news; partner society news; and other articles of genealogical interest. Published quarterly, Stirpes is available in digital and print formats.

Partner Societies and Libraries receive a print edition with their membership. TxSGS individual and household members receive a digital version of Stirpes as a benefit of membership. Individual and household members may purchase an annual print subscription for $15 per year. You must be logged into your account for this option to be available on the dropdown menu.

Stirpes is not available to non-members.

Current Issue

Download a free preview of our  2019 March issue (PDF).

Back Issues

Back issues of Stirpes are available at a nominal cost per copy as long as supply lasts. Please email for more information.

Historical back issues (1961 – 1990) are available online for free at The Portal to Texas History. To browse contents, click here.

Interested in Writing for Stirpes?

The editorial board solicits articles and materials such as letters, diaries, photographs, and book reviews relating to Texas genealogy and history. Stirpes has no quotas with respect to authorship or content. Edited works may be submitted to the author for review at the end of the editing process prior to publication. The author retains copyright to his work. The Texas State Genealogical Society retains the right to print this material exclusively for one year dating from its first printing in Stirpes. The writer may use and distribute his material for presentations, lectures, seminars, or for similar purposes.

For additional questions, please reference the Stirpes submission guidelines.


The TxSGS DNA Project