Website Awards

The purpose of these awards is to encourage Partner Societies and individual
Members to promote genealogy and history on the web, sharing information and servicing our global communities.

Award Categories

There are three categories for these awards:

  • Category I: Website for a Partner Society.
  • Category II: Website for an individual Member’s genealogy and family history.
  • Category III: Website by an individual member of a general genealogy or historical nature, not specifically on the member’s family, but a county web page or a DNA study.

Award Requirements

Application Process

Deadline for entries is 15 September.

Entries should include:

  • A cover letter from the individual Member or Partner Society with a contact person’s name, telephone, website address, and email address.
  • The category for judging.
  • Comments about the website.
  • Descriptions of any special features that should be noted.

Submit entries to

Award Process

Awards include $100 for first place, $75 for second place, and $50 for third place in each category.

A panel of three judges will evaluate the entries. Criteria includes:

  • Design.
  • Navigation.
  • Contents.
  • Customization.

The TxSGS DNA Project