
A scholarship is awarded annually in the amount of $1,000 by TxSGS to the best qualified student with plans to major in history, government, library science, or education

Scholarship Requirements

  • Applicant should be a senior in an accredited high school or home school program, or be enrolled in college.
  • Applicant should be a relative of a TxSGS Member of two years standing or be recommended by a Partner Society.
  • Applicant should plan to major in history, government, library science, or education.

Application Process

The following items should be included in the application packet.

  • Application Letter: must state specifically how the applicant meets all three requirements stated above.
  • Resume: should contain the following information:
    1. Personal information (name, birth date, parents’ names, small photo, address,  telephone number, and email address),
    2. Educational experience,
    3. Work experience,
    4. Sports and extracurricular activities at school,
    5. Community activities,
    6. School, community, or church awards received.
  • Certified Transcript of all high school and/or college courses, or proof of course mastery if in a home school program.
  • Recommendation Letters from three non-family adults who have personal knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications.
  • A 500-word essay on “The Importance of Family History.”

Applications for the TxSGS Scholarship are to be submitted to the Scholarship Committee via email at

Distribution of Payment

The winner will enroll as a student and submit a receipt for tuition from the school of choice to the TxSGS Treasurer. The first $500 payment will be made to the university registrar. At the conclusion of that semester the winner will submit proof of a 3.0 GPA and a receipt for tuition for the next semester. The TxSGS Treasurer will make the second $500 payment to the university registrar.

The TxSGS DNA Project