Preservation and Access Grants

The purpose of the Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) is to promote, assimilate, develop and conserve the genealogical and historical resources of Texas and to cooperate with local, regional, and statewide groups in promoting an awareness of the need to preserve family heritage.

In order to assist Partner Societies with carrying out this mission, TxSGS offers Preservation and Access Grants to help with these efforts.

About the Grants

The TxSGS Preservation and Access Grants are for Partner Societies. Grant monies are to be used for the preservation and dissemination of genealogical resources. This grant does not require matching funds.

Examples of projects the grant covers include:

  • Digitization projects: purchasing of equipment or training on digitization
  • Abstracting projects: cost of printing and binding
  • Preservation projects: preservation training, purchasing archival supplies, or rescuing at-risk collections.

This grant cannot be used to hire volunteers to do the work.

Grant Requirements

At completion of the grant a final report about the project that include the project activities, accomplishments, publicity and grant products i.e. copy of the book or a URL will be submitted to TxSGS.

Application Process

Grant Application to include:

  1. Brief history of the society (maximum 500 words).
  2. Description of project (maximum 1000 words) information to include: how the project will benefit the genealogy community, if this is for a fundraising initiative, if training is requested who is providing the training and if an abstracting project will the information be online or in print.
  3. Detailed budget, including a breakdown of the amount being requested and any other funding sources being used for the project.
  4. Contact information for partner society designated grants administrator whom the TxSGS Grants Committee will communicate with.

Submit application as a .doc or .PDF document to

Application Deadline: April 1st and October 1st.

Grant Awards

Total amount to award per year: $2,000.

Award announcements: May 1st and November 1st.

Questions? Contact Linda Reynolds

The TxSGS DNA Project