10 Questions To Ask Your Relatives To Help Build Your Family Tree

You know you should do it. You tell yourself, “I’ll get to it next week,” or “I’ll do that later.” But what ends up happening is that you keep skipping over one of the single best resources you have at your disposal to build your family tree. And to top it off, it’s free except … Read more

Migration Routes and Texas

Last Friday evening, TSGS participated in another Twitter Chat with #Genchat, and the topic was Migration Routes Across the US. During the chat, where appropriate, I contributed some migration-related links to online resources, and some were Texas-related. Researching known migration routes throughout history can be very important when researching your ancestors. Along the way, they … Read more

The Great American Desert and Texas

This afternoon’s monthly geography-based #GenChat is about the Great American Desert. Now, geographically-speaking, this could mean slightly different parts of the panhandle region of Texas, or it could mean a different part of the state. Originally, in the 19th century, according to Wikipedia, the term referred to the western part of the Great Plains which … Read more

Come join us on #GenChat tonight on Twitter!

TSGS on #GenChat! We are pleased to announce TSGS will be participating in the popular Twitter Chat for genealogy called #GenChat on Twitter this evening at 9PM CDT. As one of three of the original creators of GenChat, Jen Baldwin hosts these informative and fast-paced Twitter chats three times a month. So what is a … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project