Nominees for the TSGS Board of Directors 2016-2017 Term

The TSGS 2015 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate of nominees for the TSGS Board of Directors 2016-2017 term. Elections will be held at the Annual Business Meeting at lunch this Saturday at the TSGS 2015 Family History Conference. Executive Committee: President: Randy Whited Director of Education: Sue Kaufman Director of Membership: Susan … Read more

Editor Sought for STIRPES

Love genealogy, editing, and publishing? Texas State Genealogical Society is seeking a dynamic individual to become the new editor for its quarterly magazine, STIRPES. Here are the details: Purpose and Scope of STIRPES STIRPES is a quarterly magazine published by Texas State Genealogical Society and includes helpful research articles, county records, family histories, reviews, queries, … Read more Subscription Discounts for Your Local Genealogical Society

If your genealogical society is a member of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, you may want to take advantage of’s Society Membership Program. FGS member societies can offer a 12-month subscription discount to their own society members. This is a great “perk” for being a member of your genealogy society! For more information, … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project