TxSGS Announces Winners of Two FamilyTreeDNA Test Kits

Texas State Genealogical Society is proud to announce the winners of two FamilyTreeDNA test kits. Names of all members of the Early Texans DNA Project who submitted the completed application form by 15 January 2019 were entered into a drawing. This included all members who joined any time from the project inception until the deadline … Read more

Scholarship Awarded to Keely Shaw

Congratulations to Keely Shaw, a student at Angelo State University in San Angelo, Texas, who was awarded the 2018 TxSGS $1,000 scholarship at the TxSGS 2018 Family History Conference in San Antonio in November. The award was presented to Keely by Bill Buckner, TxSGS Awards Chairman, and Randy Whited, TxSGS President. Keely is an honors … Read more

TxSGS Announces 2018 Writing and Website Award Winners

TxSGS is pleased to award thirty prizes in eleven categories, celebrating the effort represented by the books, manuscripts, student projects, and websites submitted by TxSGS members. According to Bill Buckner, Awards Chairman, “Recognition by one’s peers and TxSGS gives us that shot of encouragement to write even more and to know that our efforts have … Read more

Early Bird Registration Ends October 6

The Early Bird Deadline to register for the TxSGS 2018 Family History Conference is October 6! Register now and join genealogists in San Antonio November 2-4 for “Journey Through Generations.” Choose from 56 sessions and 4 workshops presented by 30 speakers. Plus, visit our Exhibit Hall with vendors including TxSGS Partner Societies, FTDNA, Texas Government … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project