10 Questions To Ask Your Relatives To Help Build Your Family Tree

You know you should do it. You tell yourself, “I’ll get to it next week,” or “I’ll do that later.” But what ends up happening is that you keep skipping over one of the single best resources you have at your disposal to build your family tree. And to top it off, it’s free except … Read more

Congratulations To All the 2014 TSGS Award Recipients!

Congratulations! We are very proud to announce the TSGS Award Recipients for 2014. Take a look at this wonderful group of people and organizations as well as their outstanding work and projects they have produced that help to preserve Texas history and Texas genealogy. Place, Category, Title, Publication Date, Author, Individual / Organization, Amount of … Read more

TSGS 2014 Conference and Awards Update

As a benefit to TSGS members, TSGS is focusing efforts in 2014 co-hosting the FGS national 2014 conference “Gone to Texas” in San Antonio, August 27-30th. This fabulous opportunity for genealogical education, entertainment, and networking takes the place of the TSGS annual conference usually held the first week of November. Texas State Genealogical Society will … Read more

TSGS Seeks to Recognize Authors/Editors of Published Periodicals

As genealogists, record keeping is in our nature. We collect documents, diaries, interview notes, old photos, anything left behind by our ancestors. We do this in an attempt to reconstruct our ancestors’ lives. Some of these reconstructed works are published in society journals, newsletters, or quarterlies. You or your society should be recognized for your … Read more

2014 TSGS Book Awards

It’s time to get excited and celebrate – the book. Yes, people are still writing and publishing those things made out of paper. Remember how a new book smells? TSGS has a long history in recognizing not only the writing efforts of its members but, specifically, it rewards the efforts of members and societies who … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project