John Sellers Covers Courts, Texas Style

“Even today, few people escape mention in court records at some time during their lives as witnesses, litigants, jurors, appointees to office, or as petition signatories.” * You might be surprised to learn what types of cases are brought before Texas courts. The best news is that what happens in court is documented! Take a … Read more

TIGR Early Bird Registration Ends April 30

Discounted early-bird registration for the 2019 Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) will continue only until midnight April 30. Early registrants receive the best rate for this outstanding bi-annual event. Details at Scheduled June 10-14, at the Crowne Plaza Austin, this year’s event includes two tracks: Texas Research Essentials, coordinated by Kelvin Meyers Advanced Southern … Read more

Stirpes March 2019 Released – Navigating the DNA Maze

Information about TxSGS’s latest digital issue of Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, recently went out to all TxSGS individual and household members. To simplify the process of accessing your digital edition of Stirpes, we have linked the digital edition to your TxSGS member account. The Stirpes email includes a link or … Read more

Lassos, Pitchforks, and 100 Pine Trees . . .

What do these things have to do with banquet speaker J. Mark Lowe’s trip to Texas for the 2019 Texas Institute of Genealogical Research? Reserve your seat for the TIGR banquet to learn the answers. Whether you’re attending the Texas Research Essentials course or the track on Advanced Southern Research Techniques, you don’t want to … Read more

Reminder: March 22 is Deadline for 2019 Conference Presentation Proposals

It’s not too late to submit your proposals for presentations for the Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) 2019 Family History Conference, “Blazing Family Trails,” which will be held October 11-13 in Houston, Texas. We are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic presenters! If you feel passionate about your area of expertise and would like to teach and … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project