Support TxSGS with Amazon Smile

Christmas will be here before we know it. Are you ready to shop? Remember, you can support the Texas State Genealogical Society at the same time! Every purchase made through Amazon.Smile willl generate a donation for TxSGS. Click here or the image below and start shopping!    

September Stirpes Released

TxSGS’s latest issue of Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, went out this month to all TxSGS members and subscribing libraries. With an emphasis on DNA tools, methods, and experiences, the September 2017 issue of Stirpes is packed with research articles, partner society and TxSGS news, and more. Take a “Look Inside” … Read more

Nominees for the TSGS Board of Directors 2016-2017 Term

The TSGS 2015 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the slate of nominees for the TSGS Board of Directors 2016-2017 term. Elections will be held at the Annual Business Meeting at lunch this Saturday at the TSGS 2015 Family History Conference. Executive Committee: President: Randy Whited Director of Education: Sue Kaufman Director of Membership: Susan … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project