J. Mark Lowe Is Featured Speaker at TxSGS 2018 Virtual Conference on February 9-10

Register Online Now! J. Mark Lowe is a great way to kick off each day of the TxSGS Virtual Conference with interesting, informative and entertaining topics. Finding Uncle John by Talking to the Neighbors (Friday, Feb 9, 10:00 a.m. CT) Using census records, manuscripts, and land records, learn details about your ancestor’s neighborhood and the … Read more

Join TxSGS by January 28, 2018 and You Might Win a Prize!

TxSGS appreciates our members so much that we’re offering three great prizes in our Membership Drive Drawing! And–we’ve had such tremendous response that we’re extending the Membership Drive deadline to January 28, 2018!! If you are a member of the Texas State Genealogical Society by the deadline, you will be entered in a drawing for … Read more

TxSGS 2018 Virtual Conference on February 9-10

Registration is open! Join the Texas State Genealogical Society on February 9-10 for the two-day 2018 Virtual Conference featuring nationally recognized genealogy lecturer J. Mark Lowe and six genealogy speakers with expertise in areas from methodology to DNA. Watch this event LIVE, or later at your convenience. View multiple times to catch details you may … Read more

TxSGS Announces 2017 Awards Recognizing Quality Research, Writing, and Websites

TxSGS is pleased to award twenty-nine prizes in ten categories, celebrating the effort represented by the books, manuscripts, and websites submitted by TxSGS members. According to Bill Buckner, Awards Chairman, “The TxSGS Awards program is a prime example of the Society’s commitment to its members. This year alone, almost $3,000 was presented to members and … Read more

December 2017 Stirpes Released

TxSGS’s latest digital issue of Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, has been posted and TxSGS members have been notified. The print edition will be mailed early next week. With an emphasis on “Going Home,” the December 2017 issue of Stirpes captures the adventures undertaken by our members as they travel to … Read more

The TxSGS DNA Project