
The Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) publishes STIRPES, a quarterly magazine providing current information on subjects of interest to genealogists.

STIRPES content includes helpful case studies and research articles, county records, family histories, reviews, TxSGS news, partner society news, and other articles of genealogical interest.

readers include members of the Texas State Genealogical Society, Partner Society leaders, libraries and other organizations and individuals interested in preserving genealogical records and pursuing family history.

Advertising Rates

See our Rate Card for additional details.

Guidelines and Terms

  • All advertisements must meet TxSGS criteria for quality of design and typeset.
  • Advertising copy which exceeds the above measurements may be proportionately reduced to fit at the discretion of the Stirpes editors.
  • Electronic ads should be submitted in JPEG, TIFF, or PDF format in color in at least 300 dpi; 600 dpi preferred for print.
  • The print version of Stirpes will include grayscale images; color images will be in digital version. Word processor files such as Microsoft Word are discouraged as quality is inadequate.
  • TxSGS reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
  • To earn multiple issue discount, all insertions must be prepaid with the first ad.
  • TxSGS Partner Societies are eligible for one free ad per year. See Partner Society Advertising below.
  • Confirm space and send copy to

Issue Copy Deadline Publication Date

Advertising Deadlines  
Issue Publication Date Copy Deadline 2019 Issue Theme
Q1 – March
15 March
15 January
 DNA: Tools, Techniques, Methods
Q2 – June
15 June
15 April
 Roadtrip! Planning Your Genealogy Excursion
Q3 – September
15 September
15 July
 Ethnic Roots: Tracing Ancestors to the Old Country
Q4 – December
15 December
15 October
 Maps: Capturing Your Ancestor in Time and Place!

Partner Society Advertising

Each partner society can advertise in Stirpes for free, providing exposure for workshops, seminars, and special events. Stirpes’ Partner Society ad space is allotted on a first-come basis. Please follow deadlines and advertising guidelines referenced above.

See examples of ads previously run in Stirpes by Partner Societies.

Send any questions to

The TxSGS DNA Project