Call for Presentations 2019 TxSGS Family History Conference

The Texas State Genealogical Society (TxSGS) has opened the call for presentations for their 2019 Family History Conference, which will be held October 11-13, 2019, in Houston, Texas.

We are looking for dynamic, enthusiastic presenters! If you feel passionate about your area of expertise and would like to teach and inspire other genealogists, this is the venue for you. Seasoned speakers and speakers new to the genealogical lecturing arena are encouraged to submit proposals for presentations or workshops.

Submission Ideas

The areas of interest may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Basic genealogical topics (How-To, Getting Started, Organization)
  • Ethnic research topics (African-American, German-Texan, Czech-Texan, etc.)Records and Repositories (land, probate, tax and other records)
  • Technology
  • Publishing & Storytelling
  • Methodology and problem-solving techniques
  • Texas-focused research
  • Research in the southern states
  • DNA
  • Society Management


Submission Requirements

Speakers who wish to submit lecture or workshop proposals should follow the published guidelines at the TxSGS Call for Presentations web page. Presenter requirements, compensation details, and a timeline are referenced there as well.

Speakers may submit up to five proposals.

All proposals must be submitted via email by March 22, 2019.

2 thoughts on “Call for Presentations 2019 TxSGS Family History Conference”

    • Yes, we will have an exhibit area. Information will be available on our website soon. We will add you to the list to receive an Exhibitor Packet as soon as the details are available.


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The TxSGS DNA Project