September Issue of Stirpes Released

TxSGS’s latest issue of Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, recently went out to all TxSGS members and subscribing libraries.

As genealogists, it is important to share our stories. These tales describe experiences of ourselves as we travel in the footsteps of our ancestors; they recount memories shared with our grandparents when we were young. Sometimes we need to do something different to encourage young people to become engaged with family history.

The September 2018 issue of Stirpes focuses on storytelling, with great articles on a variety of aspects from techniques to examples. It is packed with research articles, partner society and TxSGS news, details about the upcoming TxSGS 2018 Family History Conference in San Antonio (November 2-4), and more.

All of these excellent articles incorporate storytelling in creating a research narrative that’s interesting to read and intriguing to even those non-genealogists in our families!

Take a “Look Inside” this issue to learn more.

Make sure you get the next issue of Stirpes—join TxSGS today to ensure that you receive the December 2018 issue as soon as it comes off the press.

Interested in purchasing a copy of the current issue or back issues?

Back issues may be purchased by contacting the Director of Membership, Susan Ball, at

The TxSGS DNA Project