TxSGS 2017 Conference Cancelled Due to Hurricane Harvey Damage

TSGS Logo - FeaturedAs posted on our website last week, the Omni Westside Hotel in Katy, the site of our 2017 Family History Conference, was not spared from damage during the recent landfall of Hurricane Harvey in Houston. While they had expected to be open on October 1, further evaluation of the site has pushed the date back past our scheduled conference dates of October 20-22. There are no other facilities in Houston that can host the Conference at this time; and moving to another city at this late date is not possible. It is with disappointment and regret that we must cancel the 2017 TxSGS Family History Conference.

We are continuing to work on bringing you the 2018 Conference and will announce dates and location for that early in 2018.

Those who already registered and paid for the conference received a separate email today with an update regarding their refunds.

The TxSGS Conference Committee, Executive Committee, and Board appreciate your patience as we’ve worked through this with the hotel. We support the resiliency of the Houston residents and businesses and look forward to returning there for a future TxSGS Family History Conference.

Thank you for your support of TxSGS and our community.

Randy Whited
TxSGS President
2017 Conference Chair

The TxSGS DNA Project