Call for TXSGS Conference Volunteers

Volunteers are the lifeblood of non-profit organizations, and the Texas State Genealogical Society is no exception.

If you are planning to attend the 2018 TxSGS Family History Conference in San Antonio, November 2-4, consider volunteering.

Volunteers help to make the conference a real success, and it’s a great way to meet people, network, and give something back to the genealogical community. You might even meet a new cousin!

We need volunteers to assist with registration, serve as room monitors for speaker sessions, greeters for the exhibit hall or for the awards banquet.

Volunteer opportunities are available before or during the conference. Volunteers  do not have to be registered for the conference; however, those not registered may not attend sessions or monitor sessions.

Volunteers will be entered into a special drawing for door prizes, including a free registration to the next TxSGS Virtual Conference to be held in 2019.

To learn more about each of these and other opportunities or to sign-up as a volunteer, see Call for Volunteers on our website.

Learn more about the conference, topics, speakers, and workshops. Register online!





The TxSGS DNA Project