TxSGS 2018 Speaker Spotlight – Kelvin L. Meyers

Land records and manuscript collections can provide a wealth of information for your family history. Hear more about taking advantage of these valuable resources from one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2018 Family History Conference in San Antonio on November 2-4, 2018. Register online now!

About the Speaker

A fifth generation Texan and professional forensic genealogist since 1996, Kelvin L. Meyers is a frequent speaker to genealogical societies and family associations throughout the United States. Kelvin is a well-known speaker on land and Texas research. He brings his expertise to the 2018 TxSGS Conference in two presentations on land research and one on the Draper Manuscripts, an oft-overlooked resource for pioneering ancestors.

After being employed for ten years in the Genealogy Department of the Dallas Public Library, Kelvin now has a solo practice as a forensic genealogist serving clients that include probate attorneys, trust department of banks, the U.S. Immigration Service and energy companies. He also specializes in southern brick-wall problems for clients. In 2016, Kelvin co-coordinated with J. Mark Lowe, “A Swing Through the South,” at SLIG (Salt Lake Institute of Genealogical Research) and will be coordinating the “Burned Counties and More: Overcoming Record Loss” for SLIG in 2019.

Kelvin has recently published Research in Texas for NGS (National Genealogical Society) Research in the States series. Kelvin is also the director of the Texas Institute of Genealogical Research (TIGR) sponsored by the Texas State Genealogical Society.

Learn more about Kelvin on the conference speakers page and his presentations on the conference topics page.

Kelvin’s Topics:

  • Land, Lots of Land: Using Land Records to Find an Ancestor – Friday, 11:00 a.m.; Land
  • Are Your Ancestors in the Draper Manuscripts? – Saturday, 5:00 p.m.; Records and Repositories
  • Territorial Records – Sunday, 2:00 p.m.; Land
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