TxSGS 2018 Speaker Spotlight – Sharon Batiste Gillins

We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2018 Family History Conference in San Antonio on November 2-4, 2018. Register online now!

About the Speaker

A well-known speaker at national and state conferences, Sharon Batiste Gillins brings to the 2018 TxSGS Family History Conference two presentations on African American research and one on options for dealing with inherited family records. Sharon is a native of Galveston, Texas with paternal ancestral roots in St. Mary Parish, Louisiana and maternal roots in Fort Bend County, Texas. A life-long interest in her family’s history led to an active involvement in genealogical research over the past 26 years.

Ms. Gillins earned a Bachelor’s degree at Howard University and Master’s Degree at the University of the District of Columbia. She is faculty emerita of Riverside Community College. Sharon frequently calls upon her 40-year career background as a college educator to present workshops and deliver courses at regional and national genealogy conferences and institutes, among them the National Genealogical Society and the Federation of Genealogical Societies. Ms. Gillins’ research and teaching emphasize strategies that can be used to discover details of 19th century Southern life and ancestry in underutilized sources, including that of planter slave owners, enslaved people and free people of color. 

Learn more about Sharon on the conference speakers page and her presentations on the conference topics page.

Sharon’s Topics:

  • Who is the Slave Bacchus? A Life Revealed in Manuscripts –
    Friday, 9:30 a.m.; African American
  • What Shall I Do with Grandma’s Papers? –
    Saturday, 11:00 a.m.; Publishing and Preservation
  • Freedmen in the Southern Claims Commission – Filing, Testifying, Being – Saturday, 3:30 p.m.; African American
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