TxSGS Speaker Spotlight: Susan Ball

We are thrilled to introduce you to one of the dynamic speakers teaching at our 2016 Family History Conference in Dallas Texas on October 28-30! Registration opened September 1st...grab your spot now!

Susan Ball

About the Speaker

A genealogist for over 30 years, Susan Ball is the Director of Membership for the Texas State Genealogical Society, co-editor of Stirpes, and president of the San Angelo Genealogical and Historical.

A strong supporter of records abstraction and publication, Susan has compiled four books of genealogical records, three of which have won TSGS book awards including the coveted grand prize. She also serves her local society as editor of the SAGHS Newsletter and assistant editor of Stalkin’ Kin of Old West Texas, the SAGHS biannual journal.

Having received a master’s degree in electrical engineering, Susan worked as a project engineer for a defense contractor, as a patent engineer, and as CEO of her own database development company.

About the Session

“Bonafide Settled” – A Genealogist’s Guide to Texas Homesteading
From the Texas Republic to the 1880s, Texas Homesteading law changed a half-dozen times. Keeping up with the changes while tracking down an ancestor’s homestead can be challenging. How did the laws affect your ancestor? Where are the records located? What types of information can be gleaned from a homestead claim? Learn how to find records using the Texas GLO search engine, how to decipher notes on the claim jacket, and how to locate additional files associated with a claim to ascertain disposition of the land. The complex case of J. J. Austin in 1880s Tom Green County illustrates how to follow a claim through multiple applicants plus how the homestead claim provided valuable context for the Austin family and shed light on an old family legend.

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