Stirpes Double Issue for March & June 2016 Released

Stirpes, March-June 2016 Cover

TxSGS is very pleased to announce that our latest issue of Stirpes, the Journal of the Texas State Genealogical Society, went out this month to all TxSGS members and subscribing libraries.

This beautiful new double issue of Stirpes is packed with research articles, partner society and TxSGS news, highlights from the 2014 and 2015 TxSGS conferences, and details about our upcoming 2016 Family History Conference taking place in Dallas from October 28 through October 30, 2016.

Please note the issue number: v. 55, no. 1/2, March & June 2016. This picks up in numbering where we left off with our last issue: v. 54, no.1, March 2014.

How to make sure you get the next issue of Stirpes?

Join TxSGS today to ensure that you receive the September & December 2016 double issue as soon as it comes off the press in December.

Interested in purchasing a copy of the current issue or back issues?

Back issues may be purchased in digital or print format. For a print copy, contact the treasurer, Betsy Mills, at For a digital copy, contact the Director of Membership, Susan Ball, at

The TxSGS DNA Project