Recently Updated Online Texas Records

 Recently Updated RecordsWhile not all documents and records you might need for your family history research can be found online, quite a bit has been added recently to some popular online databases. Check them out: [$] Texas Collections [Free] Must register for free in order to view scans of documents.

Compiled by Lacey Frazier

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5 thoughts on “Recently Updated Online Texas Records”

  1. Hi Amanda,

    Thank you so much for adding that free resource. Did you know you can find past issues of our quarterly STIRPES on The Portal to Texas?

    Stay tuned as we highlight on the blog more resources — online and offline as well as free and paid — to help you out. You just never know where the clue you need will be. We will also be going over how to use The Portal to Texas.

    Thanks for reading!


  2. I was so happy to receive this information. A few years ago I was a member.
    We use to have work shops and share information with each other. I still
    love my true African American History. Maybe many of you do not remember
    me. I know I have forgotten many of the names. I will have to look up my
    old records again. I was so happy to receive this information. I hope to
    hear from you soon. GOD bless all of you and keep DIGGING. I still live
    in San Marcos, Texas. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Ollie Hargis Giles

    • You are absolutely correct. However, this is not a list of all the ones FamilySearch has indexed but a list of ones they have added recently.

      Thank you for your feedback.

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